Homemade Almond Flour
- Food Processor with the blade attachment
- A silicone spatula
Prep: 5 min – 6 hours
Active time: 5 mins
Total: 10 min- 6 hr 10 min
Yield: about 15 cups
- 30 oz Raw or blanched almonds
- Water (if soaking them)
Instructions for making raw almond flour or almond meal:
Add almonds to food processor.
Blend for 5-7 mins, stopping half way to move the nuts around
Once it turns into a fine flour, remove
Instructions for blanching almonds before making flour:
Add a 2 cup of water to a pot and boil
Remove from heat and immediately pour over almonds.
Let sit for 2 mins
Rinse and let them site in cold water for 5-6 hours (or until the easily peel)
Let them dry for a few hours on paper towels.
Add to food processor and blend until fine.
If using immediately, store left overs in an air tight store in a dark space, like a pantry for up 2 weeks.
If using late, place in an air tight container in the freezer, for up to a month. Remove and let come to room temperature before use.
I made this in bulk so my numbers are high. The average person is probably only doing 6-15 oz of almonds at a time.